Sale of the entire design furniture of the Chalet Bleu - A 20th century interior

Sunday 10 July 2022 14:00
Chalet Bleu , Chalet Bleu 71400 Autun
Sale information

Sale of the entire contents of the Petit Chalet Bleu in Autun - A 20th century interior

Live sale.

Exhibition Friday 08 and Saturday 09 July, from 10 am to 6 pm, at 3 rue Jeannin - 71400 AUTUN.

Sale by appointment on Sunday, July 10 at 13 boulevard Saint-Jacques - 21200 BEAUNE.

Maison Alexandre Landre informs you that requests for condition reports will be answered as of July 04.

Maison Alexandre Landre informs you that requests for condition reports will be answered as of July 04.

Selling expenses 25% VAT included, 28.60% VAT included live.

Sales conditions